Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey 1546: Sonnet XII

Set me wheras the Sunne doth parche the grene,
Or where his beames do not dissolve the yse :
In temperate heat where he is felt and sene :
In presence prest of people madde or wise.
Set me in hye, or yet in low degree :
In longest night, or in the shortest day :
In clearest skie, or where clowdes thickest be :
In lusty youth, or when my heares are gray.
Set me in heaven, in earth, or els in hell,
In hill, or dale, or in the foming flood :
Thrall, or at large, alive where so I dwell :
Sicke, or in health: in evyll fame, or good,
      Hers will I be, and onely with this thought
      Content my selfe, although my chaunce be nought.


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